[Pycon] [new paper] "Jose Manuel Ortega" - Cyber security auditing with python tools

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Dom 30 Dic 2018 09:56:26 CET

Title: Cyber security auditing with python tools
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: rogramming has become essential to cybersecurity. The Python language provides flexibility and functionality for both new and experienced IT security professionals that need write applications for cybersecurity auditing tasks.

The talk would aim about making an introduction to cybersecurity and the process we can follow for developing this kind of tools in Python, commenting the process we can follow to obtain, analyze and exploit public information in social networks and public servers.The final objective is obtain the maximum possible of knowledge in the context we are auditing.

The talking points could be:

-Introduction to cybersecurity and the tools we can develop in python for resolving problems related with security auditing.

-Comment how these tools are developed and the main modules we can use for their development.

-I will show some example tools related with:

Information gathering tool that can be used to gather information about an organization or specific domain

Listing subdomains from the main domain using techniques related with Hacking with search engines.

Obtain public information from servers with services like Shodan or censys.io

Tags: [u'security', u'hacking', u'auditing']

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