[Pycon] [new paper] "Christian Barra" - Continuously deliver great solutions

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Sab 29 Dic 2018 17:07:51 CET

Title: Continuously deliver great solutions 
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: How teams can continuously delivery great solutions, or in other words, how can they continuously deliver great software?

If you are a member of team, whether in a leading position or not, this talk is for you.

Bad or poor solutions will slow you down, increase the on boarding time for new team members and cause you nightmares (especially when you are on call), just to name a few.

Some of the questions I will try to answer are related to what is blocking us from delivering great solutions, the differences between solutions and software, why the word “continuously” plays such an important role and the levers that you can use to achieve that: quality, tools and commodities, project management and communication, ops and you.

I will share my experience, highlighting some of the challenges I faced and the solutions I came up in my +8 years of tech experience.

1. Solution VS Software
2. What is blocking us from delivering great solutions
3. Why continuously plays a fundamental role 
4. Levers you can use to continuously deliver great solutions
4.1. Quality
4.2. Tools and commodities
4.3. Project management  and communication
4.4. Ops
4.5. You

5. Conclusions

Tags: [u'quality', u'Python', u'continuous-delivery', u'project-management', u'teamwork', u'devops']

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