[Pycon] [new paper] "Saloni Garg" - Developing Natural Language Processing Applications using Python
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info a pycon.it
Dom 30 Dic 2018 11:00:39 CET
Title: Developing Natural Language Processing Applications using Python
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk
Abstract: - At first, I will explain what exactly Natural Language Processing is.
- Then, I will go about explaining the important algorithms and famous buzzwords of NLP. Starting with Text Preprocessing algorithms for Noise Removal and Lexicon Normalization, like Lemmatization, Stemming (using Porter Stemmer algorithm).
- Next comes Parsing: Syntactical Parsing and Entity Parsing. In this section. I will talk a bit about Part of Speech Tagging for Syntactical Parsing, and then some basic discussion about Topic Modelling and N-Grams.
- Next, I'll talk about some important Page ranking algorithms used by search engines such as TF – IDF.
- After this, I will introduce the audience to popular Python libraries used in this field, such as NLTK, TextBlob, GenSim, spaCy.
- Lastly, I will introduce my own project and will let the audience have an experience of learning how to create such an application by themselves.
- Finally, I'd love to answer if the audience has any questions. **_[Q & A Session]_**
Tags: [u'nltk', u'gensim', u'information-retrieval', u'Python', u'data-mining', u'text-analysis', u'python3', u'libraries', u'flask', u'lexicon-normalization', u'natural-language-processing', u'tweepy', u'data-science', u'python2', u'page-ranking', u'textblob']
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