[PyRoma] Links Summary

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Dec 3 10:30:44 CET 2014

Ottimo riepilogo!

Aggiungo in CC un pò di gente che forse non è ancora iscritta in ML e
vorrebbe farlo, ecco il link:
(non ho i contatti di tutti, quindi se conoscete qualcuno che non è in
CC aggiungetelo)

Questa è una foto di ieri sera:

Inoltro anche su Ninux-Roma per chi si è perso l'incontro ;-)

On 12/03/2014 06:53 AM, Simone Federici wrote:
>   * Why... microsoft.stats.org <http://microsoft.stats.org>
>   * Meeting pitfalls on jitsi.org <http://jitsi.org>
>   * Short your url using nnx.me <http://nnx.me>
>   * Bootstrap with pip.rtfd.org <http://pip.rtfd.org>
>   * Use always virtualenv.rtfd.org <http://virtualenv.rtfd.org>
>   * Eventually virtualenvwrapper.rtfd.org
>     <http://virtualenvwrapper.rtfd.org>
>   * Shell by ipython.rhfd.org <http://ipython.rhfd.org>
>   * Write a lot of nnx.me/unittest <http://nnx.me/unittest>
>   * Docs API by nnx.me/doctest <http://nnx.me/doctest>
>   * Setup your project by setuptools.rtfd.org <http://setuptools.rtfd.org>
>   * Register and upload it on pypi.python.org <http://pypi.python.org>
>   * Or on your private company using nnx.me/cheeseshop
>     <http://nnx.me/cheeseshop>
>   * If you are really curious nnx.me/heesehop <http://nnx.me/heesehop>
>   * Here the PYPI source bitbucket.org/pypa/pypi
>     <http://bitbucket.org/pypa/pypi>
>   * Docs your code using sphinx.rtfd.org <http://sphinx.rtfd.org>
>   * Upload on "Read the fucking document" rtfd.org <http://rtfd.org>
>   * By the way Nodeshot is cool nodeshot.rtfd.org
>     <http://nodeshot.rtfd.org>
>   * But pay attention on responsive design nnx.me/responsive
>     <http://nnx.me/responsive>
>   * Translate docs using transifex.com <http://transifex.com>
>   * or zanata.org <http://zanata.org>
>   * or pootle.rtfd.org <http://pootle.rtfd.org>
>   * GPL or MIT? choosealicense.com <http://choosealicense.com>
>   * Develop using nnx.me/pep0008 <http://nnx.me/pep0008>
>   * Stupid Question Antipattern solution: lmgtfy.com <http://lmgtfy.com>
>   * Namespaces nnx.me/namespaces <http://nnx.me/namespaces>
>   * Binding your code using swig.org <http://swig.org>
>   * or nnx.me/ctypes <http://nnx.me/ctypes>
> Aggiungente i links che me so scordato please...

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