[Pycon] [new paper] "Riccardo Lorenzon" - Understanding the production line dynamics: data science for manufacturing processes

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Dom 14 Gen 2018 22:18:55 CET

Title: Understanding the production line dynamics: data science for manufacturing processes
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: it
Type: Talk

Abstract: Data Scientists today are craving for the huge amount of data factories are generating.
Every single component can be traced from its birth as mix of raw material and/or subcomponents through its life in the production line. Every machine within the line is a living object with everchanging pressures, temperatures, statuses. The plant manager is now able to fully understand what's happening during every second around him, and of course to better optimize his goals.
In this talk you will learn how to manage a real-time stream of data, how to create a useful data model from events data and how to measure correlations between these events and productivity and quality KPIs. A full understanding of the line dynamics is what enables the development of predictive quality and predictive maintenance models.
The ideal attendee is a Basic level Python and Spark Developer for Data Science.

Tags: [u'Python', u'system-dinamycs', u'predictive-quality', u'predictive-maintenance', u'industry4.0', u'realtime', u'spark', u'open-source']

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