[Pycon] [new paper] "Roberto Polli" - OpenShift on OpenStack: da Heat ad Ansible

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Sab 13 Gen 2018 22:14:45 CET

Title: OpenShift on OpenStack: da Heat ad Ansible
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: it
Type: Talk

Abstract: ## Abstract

This talk presents the wonderful and challenging journey in the devop world I made deploying an  automated and self-healing  [openshift][1]-on-[openstack][2].

OpenShift is the opensource PaaS based on [kubernetes][4] and [docker][5], OpenStack is the reference implementation of an opensource cloud provider.

Topics spaces from bare-metal interactions to application planning.

The talk ends with a rationale for the migration from Heat to a mix of Heat and [Ansible][7].

### You'll learn

  - General layout of a Kubernetes/OpenShift Cluster
  - When to use an orchestration service (eg. CloudFormation/Heat) vs Ansible vs mixed approach
  - Key points of planning a docker cluster
  - some errors you wouldn't like to do ;) 

### Agenda

  - openshift-on-openstack architecture overview 
  - key points of a docker-based PaaS (quotas, emptydir, storage, ...)
  - self-healing infrastructures with [Heat][8] (pro/cons)
  - advantages of introducing Ansible as the principal orchestration tool
  - Considerations on the future architecture (Ansible -> Heat -> Ansible)
## Prerequisites

Familiarity with orchestration concepts, service scheduling, tiered architectures.

## Slides

[Further infos in the draft slides][9]
[1]: https://www.openshift.org/
[2]: https://www.openstack.org/
[3]: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/openshift-on-openstack
[4]: https://kubernetes.io/
[5]: https://www.docker.com/
[7]: https://www.ansible.com/
[8]: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat
[9]: http://bit.ly/2D00tKW

Tags: [u'OpenShift', u'cloud', u'paas', u'OpenStack']

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