[Pycon] [new paper] "Francesco Bruni" - Continuous Delivery for Agile teams

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Ven 12 Gen 2018 15:43:17 CET

Title: Continuous Delivery for Agile teams
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: it
Type: Talk

Abstract: The first principle of Agile is all about keeping delivering valuable software.

Despite it sounds simple enough to be applied, concrete implementations require well defined approaches and disciplined teams, especially when  software architectures get more complicated.

This talk will point out the importance of setting up a **Continuous Delivery** pipeline in everyday work and will show and describe a real world one.

Knowing Jenkins and Docker is recommended, but not mandatory.

Tags: [u'continuous-delivery', u'agile', u'jenkins', u'devops', u'docker']

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