[Pycon] [new paper] "Thierry Carrez" - Lessons from a massive, openly-developed project

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Ven 12 Gen 2018 13:53:30 CET

Title: Lessons from a massive, openly-developed project
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: OpenStack is a massive open source project, formed of multiple components written in Python. Created in 2010, it attracted thousands of developers which produced hundreds of thousands of commits. It is completely openly-developed: there is no single organization owning it, and anyone can participate on a level playing ground.

During this wild ride, we discovered new classes of issues, crafted novel solutions, made mistakes and learned lessons, most of them applicable to other open source projects. Come learn about software engineering best practices, open collaboration advice and other fun tips and tricks based on our experience ! No prior experience with OpenStack is needed to attend this talk.

Tags: [u'best-practices', u'quality-assurance', u'continuous-integration', u'software-engineering', u'release-engineering', u'project-management', u'OpenStack', u'principles', u'collaboration', u'#lessonslearned']

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