[Pycon] [new paper] "Oliver Zeigermann" - Machine Learning for Programmers

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Dom 7 Gen 2018 22:52:36 CET

Title: Machine Learning for Programmers
Duration: 240 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Training

Abstract: Based on a real world example we will start by implementing a first classifier by hand in pure Python. Keeping the classifiers interface we will step  by step introduce machine learning basics and compare the results with the hand written first version.

Eventually we will end in a deep learning solution illustrating how neural networks work. Along the way you will learn about Python's core libraries used for machine learning. Among them numpy, Scikit-learn, pandas, keras, and TensorFlow. All this will be accompanied by visualizations which will help to keep the necessary math close to zero.

We will use Azure Notebooks for this workshop, so you do not have to install anything upfront. All you need is basic Python programming skills and an interest in the concepts of machine learning.

Tags: [u'tensorflow', u'scikit-learn', u'Keras', u'pandas', u'numpy']

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