[Pycon] [new paper] "Arsh ." - Learning to fetch data for fun and profit

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Dom 7 Gen 2018 14:39:59 CET

Title: Learning to fetch data for fun and profit
Duration: 240 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Training

Abstract: This workshop will help you build up skills on scraping data from the web, different methodologies, the landscape overview of different libraries, handling dynamically generated pages, recursive crawler and asynchronous fetching.

We will also discuss different web elements (& selectors - xpath, id, class) , how to make use of network calls, efficient use of parsers such as lxml. Further, this workshop will also help you set-up automated testing using selenium and headless browsers.

Throughout the workshop we will be live coding multiple scrapers using different methods to showcase their uses, pros & cons.
The audience will get back a thorough understanding of how scraping works, and the knowledge to choose the right process for specific use-cases.

prerequisite: Basic python knowledge

Tags: [u'web-scraping', u'xpath', u'selenium', u'asyncio', u'python3', u'lxml']

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