[Pycon] [new paper] "Alon Nir" - Pandas Tips and Tricks - Getting the Data to Confess with Python

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Sab 6 Gen 2018 23:22:59 CET

Title: Pandas Tips and Tricks - Getting the Data to Confess with Python
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Pandas is a powerful yet friendly Python library for data exploration, manipulation and analysis. However, due to its breadth it is hard to master Pandas and get the most out of it. In his talk I will share a few nifty tips and tricks to showcase Pandas' depth and breadth and show how to optimize the workflow. 

This will be a prolonged version of my PyData Tel-Aviv talk, with a couple of fully worked out case studies with data from online services many of the audience members frequently use. 

The original talk can be found here for reference:[https://youtu.be/HnwUpnnXlOw?t=37m31s][1] (English).

  [1]: https://youtu.be/HnwUpnnXlOw?t=37m31s

Tags: [u'numpy', u'datamining', u'data-analysis', u'Data-Scientist', u'data', u'data-science', u'data-exploration', u'DataAnalysis', u'DataVisualization', u'pandas', u'pydata']

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