[Pycon] [new paper] "Przemyslaw Pietrzak" - Monads and functional python

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Mar 2 Gen 2018 15:49:24 CET

Title: Monads and functional python
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: In the time of functional programming renaissance, I think it's a good idea to explain how to use this paradigm with python. Moreover, I would like to show you what are and how to use data structures known from math as "Monads" to make our code more expressive, modular and easy to test.

I'm also planning to show usecases for the most popular monads, explain theory behind monads law and present how learning other languages or paradigms can improve our coding skills.

The talk will be based on my experience from Scala, JavaScript and pyMonet (which is my lib that implements monads). Knowledge of that languages is not required, talk is meant for OOP languages developers.

Tags: [u'Scala', u'programming-paradigms', u'Functional Programming', u'patterns']

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