[Pycon] [new paper] "Rodolfo Bonnin" - From Keras to PyTorch and back

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Mar 2 Gen 2018 03:23:42 CET

Title: From Keras to PyTorch and back
Duration: 240 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Training

Abstract: In this talk, we will be covering the whole timeline of the neural models (from a simple perceptron to a Generative Adversarial Network), using the two more popular high level Deep Learning frameworks: **Keras** and **Theano**.
Why this approach? Keras is now a standard and well-known tool in the bench of any Data Science practitioner. 
Pytorch is a more recent contender, which is making its own road with its particular, more dynamic approach to Machine Learning problem solving. 
In order to extract the maximum from both libraries, we will be making the exercise of comparing how it's like solving engaging and fun problems from both perspectives and leave the practitioner to decide which is better for each task!

Tags: [u'ComputerVision', u'mathematics', u'Data Mining', u'Machine Learning', u'cognitive-science', u'Keras', u'image-processing', u'opencv', u'machine-learning', u'bigdata', u'matplotlib', u'analytics', u'Pytorch', u'Artificial Intelligence']

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