[Python] Io lo so che coem sistemista faccio schifo

Nicola Larosa nico a tekNico.net
Ven 20 Mar 2015 21:41:33 CET

enrico franchi wrote:
> Quello che io mi aspetto, ma potrei sbagliare, e' che vai in COW

Qui probabilmente Enrico non intendeva che vai in vacca, ma piuttosto
Copy-On-Write <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy-on-write>. ;-)

Nicola 'tekNico' Larosa <http://www.tekNico.net/>

Look at the poor New Agers. Christianity developed defenses against
criticism, arguing for the wonders of faith; New Agers culturally
inherit the cached thought that faith is positive, but lack Christian-
ity's exclusionary scripture to keep out competing memes. New Agers
end up in happy death spirals around stars, trees, magnets, diets,
spells, unicorns... - Eliezer Yudkowsky, 2007

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