[Python] Python vs Java

Carlo Miron carlo a miron.it
Mar 30 Dic 2014 19:04:27 CET

(warning: offtopic sull'offtopic ;)

Il 30/dic/2014 14:43 "m" <m a pavis.biodec.com> ha scritto:

> By sending an email to ANY of my addresses you are agreeing that:
> 1. I am by definition, "the intended recipient"
> 2. All information in the email is mine to do with as I see fit and make
> such financial profit, political mileage, or good joke as it lends
> itself to. In particular, I may quote it on usenet.
> 3. I may take the contents as representing the views of your company.
> 4. This overrides any disclaimer or statement of confidentiality that
> may be included on your message.

che bello, secoli fa usavo anch'io questo `.signature`. da dove l'hai preso?


|:**THE BEER-WARE LICENSE** (Revision 42):
| <carlo a miron.it> wrote this mail. As long as you retain
| this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff.
| If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it,
| you can buy me a beer in return.
|                                            --Carlo Miron :
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