[Python] self implicito

Nicola Larosa nico a tekNico.net
Mer 3 Ott 2012 11:25:17 CEST

Antonio Lima wrote:
> Ma se vuoi davvero renderlo implicito, l'approccio pių elegante e 
> semplice IMHO č quello che prevede l'uso della selfless metaclass.
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/metaclasses.shtml#the-selfless-metaclass

Mii, mo' giene dico quattro a Michael!

Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/

Hive-aversion to politically incorrect speech is but one aspect of
a larger phenomenon. A rather large cohort of people have acquired
the habit of perceiving the world as they wish it would be rather
than accept reality as it exists. This is not a good survival
strategy either for the individual or the species.
 - TomA on Eric Raymond's blog, April 2012

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