Buongiorno a tutti.<br><br>Mi scuso se il primo messaggio sulla ML è forse OT: stiamo cercando uno (e forse due) sviluppatori Python/Zope per un progetto.<br><br>Copio di seguito l'annuncio che ho già messo su python-jobs; mi scuso per chi lo leggerà due volte.<br>
==========================================================================<br><br> **Job Description**: Senior Software Developer<br><br>Liberologico is looking for an developer with good experience in Zope and Python.<br>
The developer will be responsible for porting a large IT application<br>developed with the Zope/Python/PostgreSQL stack to a cloud environment.<br><br>**What we expect you know**<br><br> * computer science degree or better;<br>
* OOA/D (we expect at least you know use cases, design patterns and UML);<br> * Python as an OOA/D language (not just for making scripts; we've a large and complex application);<br> * Zope, when developing Python-based products (not just TTW applications);<br>
* IDE tools (emacs does not count as an IDE; vi* neither; Eclipse+PyDev is preferred);<br> * Subversion and other version control systems (merge and branches, tracking third-party code);<br> * PostgreSQL (a little more than making queries like you would do with any other database);<br>
* Linux system administration (you know how to make a script executable on a Linux, don't you?);<br> * Test-driven development<br> * Unit-testing<br><br>**Where the work will take place**<br><br> * Centro Polaris (<a href="http://www.sardegnaricerche.it/">http://www.sardegnaricerche.it/</a>), Pula, Cagliari, Italy<br>
<br> **Contact Info:**<br><br> * **Contact**: Marco Bizzarri<br> * **E-mail contact**: <a href="mailto:m.bizzarri@liberologico.com">m.bizzarri@liberologico.com</a><br> * **No telecommuting**<br>===========================================================================<br>
<br>Saluti<br>Marco<br>-- <br>Marco Bizzarri<br><a href="http://code.google.com/p/qt-asterisk/">http://code.google.com/p/qt-asterisk/</a><br><a href="http://notenotturne.blogspot.com/">http://notenotturne.blogspot.com/</a><br>
<a href="http://iliveinpisa.blogspot.com/">http://iliveinpisa.blogspot.com/</a><br>