[Python] Abbozzo algoritmo Tris
Alberto Abate
alberto.abate a gmail.com
Gio 14 Maggio 2015 14:26:09 CEST
Un saluto a tutti.
Leggendo qualche 3rd sulla lista, ho preso spunto per un piccolo esercizio
di codice.
Ho preso spunto da:
Consigli e suggerimenti sono ben accetti.
Come vedete ho implementato solo alcune delle regole ;-))
# INIZIO SCRIPT *******************************************************
# coding: utf-8
from random import randint
player = ['X','O'] # giocatore
level = [2,1] # 1=Novice,2=Intermediate,3=Experienced,4=Expert
blank = '.' # carattere blank per griglia
cur_p = 0 # imposta current player (cur_p) e current level (cur_l)
cur_nr = 1 # contatore numero mossa
dim_b = 3 # imposta dimensione board (dim_b)
def make_board(dim,val):
# crea diz griglia di dimensioni dim con valore val
diz = {}
for x in range(dim):
for y in range(dim):
return diz
def print_board(g,dim):
# visualizza griglia g di dimensione dim
for y in range(dim):
for x in range(dim):
print g[x,y],
def celle_libere(g,dim,blank):
ris = []
for y in range(dim):
for x in range(dim):
if g[x,y] == blank:
return ris
def best_move(g,dim_b,p,nr,blank):
# sceglie una possibile posizione (x,y)
# per il giocatore p di livello l alla mossa nr
celle = celle_libere(g,dim_b,blank)
dim = len(celle)
if dim:
if level[p] == 1: # Livello NOVICE
state = 'RANDOM'
i = randint(0,dim-1) # sceglie random cella da quelle libere
x = celle[i][0]
y = celle[i][1]
return x,y,state
if level[p] == 2: # Livello INTERMEDIATE
for (x,y) in celle:
# 1) Win: If the player has two in a row, they can place a third
to get three in a row.
if check_win(g,dim_b,dim_b-1,x,y,p):
state = 'WIN'
return x,y,state
# 2) Block: If the opponent has two in a row, the player must
play the third themselves to block the opponent.
elif check_win(g,dim_b,dim_b-1,x,y,not(p)):
state = 'BLOCK'
return x,y,state
state = 'RANDOM'
i = randint(0,dim-1) # sceglie random cella da quelle libere
x = celle[i][0]
y = celle[i][1]
return x,y,state
if level[p] == 4:
if nr == 1: return 1,1 # prima mossa CENTER
#if nr == 2: return -1,-1 #cella non valida
for (x,y) in celle:
# 1) Win: If the player has two in a row, they can place a third
to get three in a row.
if check_win(g,dim_b,dim_b-1,x,y,p): return x,y,state
# 2) Block: If the opponent has two in a row, the player must
play the third themselves to block the opponent.
elif check_win(g,dim_b,dim_b-1,x,y,not(p)): return x,y,state
# 3) Fork: Create an opportunity where the player has two
threats to win (two non-blocked lines of 2).
# 4) Blocking an opponent's fork:
# Option 1: The player should create two in a row to force the
opponent into defending, as long as it doesn't result in them creating a
# For example, if "X" has a corner, "O" has the center, and "X"
has the opposite corner as well,
# "O" must not play a corner in order to win.
(Playing a corner in this scenario creates a fork for "X" to win.)
# Option 2: If there is a configuration where the opponent can
fork, the player should block that fork.
# 5) Center: A player marks the center.
# (If it is the first move of the game, playing on a corner
gives "O" more opportunities to make a mistake and may therefore be the
better choice;
# however, it makes no difference between perfect players.)
# 6) Opposite corner: If the opponent is in the corner, the
player plays the opposite corner.
# 7) Empty corner: The player plays in a corner square.
# 8) Empty side: The player plays in a middle square on any of
the 4 sides.
return -1,-1,state # non ci sono celle libere quindi imposto coordinate
per pareggio
def check_win(g,dim,dim_win,x,y,p):
# controlla se ho dim elementi di player p
# in riga, colonna, diagonali
for i in range(dim):
if g[x,i]==player[p]: col += 1
if g[i,y]==player[p]: row += 1
if g[i,i]==player[p]: diag += 1
if g[i,dim-i-1]==player[p]: rdiag +=1
if row==dim_win or col==dim_win or diag==dim_win or rdiag==dim_win:
return ris
if __name__ == '__main__':
board = make_board(dim_b,blank)
while True:
x,y,state = best_move(board,dim_b,cur_p,cur_nr,blank)
print 'nr_mossa: '+ str(cur_nr),'cur_p: ' + player[cur_p],'cur_l: ' +
str(level[cur_p])+':'+diz_level[level[cur_p]],'state: '+state
if x == y == -1: # se non ci sono celle vuote
print 'PAREGGIO'
board[x,y] = player[cur_p] # metto il simbolo di cur_p in posizione
cur_nr += 1 # incremento il numero della mossa
print_board(board,dim_b) # visualizzo la griglia
if check_win(board,dim_b,dim_b,x,y,cur_p): #controlla se cur_p ha
print 'VITTORIA DI ' + player[cur_p]
cur_p = not cur_p # seleziono l'altro giocatore
print '-'*20
# FINE SCRIPT *******************************************************
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