[Python] Levatemi dalla mailling list!!!!!!!

Nicola Larosa nico a tekNico.net
Lun 10 Nov 2014 16:49:25 CET

Howl wrote:
> Crea un email con soggetto e contenuto del messaggio e inviala
> a python a lists.python.it , uno script fungerà da "ripetitore"

Uno *script*? Se ti sente zio Barry... ;-) <http://barry.warsaw.us/>
(terzo paragrafo)

Nicola 'tekNico' Larosa <http://www.tekNico.net/>

Many members of the opposite sex, including employers, have told me that
my "sensitivity" is a problem. When men call other men "girls", it is a
synonym for being weak. I see my sensitivity and open heartedness as my
greatest strength, and others inability to live from this place or
respect it their biggest weakness. - Janne Robinson, June 2014

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