[Python] Sintassi.
Nicola Larosa
nico a tekNico.net
Sab 21 Dic 2013 07:50:56 CET
Dario Bertini wrote:
> se perņ proprio si voleva abbandonare quel segno d'interpunzione,
> ci si sarebbe potuti spingere anche oltre... l'operatore != per
> esempio in Clojure č not=
Un'alternativa č l'operatore "<>" (caro a Barry Warsaw, vedi codebase di
Mailman). Perņ č stato deprecato in Python 3 perchč:
$ python
>>> import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/
You can live in a monogamous institution and you can negotiate monotony,
or you can live in a non-monogamous choice and negotiate jealousy. Pick
your evil. If you are opening it up you have to contend with the fact
that you're not the only one, and if you are not opening it up then
you have to contend with the fact that your partner is the only one.
- Esther Perel, August 2013
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