[Python] installazione di sphinx

Nicola Larosa nico a tekNico.net
Sab 29 Set 2012 11:04:21 CEST

Renato wrote:
> rimango sempre pił sbalordito.

"Per i miracoli ci stiamo attrezzando." (cit.) :-)

> E la mia metą mi sembra molto molto pił vicina di ieri.

Se parli di cose romantiche, son contento per te. ;-) Se invece intendevi
"meta", idem. :-)

Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/

The most formative influence on my politics was reading "The Rise
and Fall of the Third Reich" and thinking very hard about how Germany
went from the Weimar Republic to stoking the furnaces at Dachau. My
conclusion was that there is a short, straight path from statism to
genocide, and the only way to avoid that grimmest of destinations
is never to get on the train. - Eric Raymond, April 2012

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