[Python] News : PythonCAD Sympy Integration
matteo.boscolo a boscolini.eu
matteo.boscolo a boscolini.eu
Ven 10 Set 2010 11:14:20 CEST
Hi All, Starting from the last commit, PythonCAD have an integration with the sympy module.This integration allows you to import sympy Geometrical object into PythonCAD graphics area,and get sympy object from PythonCAD. To show you how it works, you can just click on the following link to see the youtube video that show this integration.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnxRDj4qyc4 Regards,MatteoSympy: http://code.google.com/p/sympy/PythonCAD: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/pythoncad
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