[Python] Connessioni asincrone verso i database

Lawrence Oluyede l.oluyede a gmail.com
Ven 22 Gen 2010 08:19:20 CET

2010/1/21 Manlio Perillo <manlio_perillo a libero.it>:
> Per cosa lo hai usato?

Per giocare

> Dagli esempi non mi sembra nulla di diverso da quanto offre Twisted, con
> la differenza che usa gli eventi invece delle callback/deferred.

è più semplice di Twisted. Comunque l'autore spiega il perché di node:

Node is similar in design to and influenced by systems like Ruby's
Event Machine or Python's Twisted. Node takes the event model a bit
further—it presents the event loop as a language construct instead of
as a library. In other systems there is always a blocking call to
start the event-loop. Typically one defines behavior through callbacks
at the beginning of a script and at the end starts a server through a
blocking call like EventMachine::run(). In Node there is no such
start-the-event-loop call. Node simply enters the event loop after
executing the input script. Node exits the event loop when there are
no more callbacks to perform. This behavior is like browser
javascript—the event loop is hidden from the user.

Poi se hai tempo guardati la sua presentazione:

Lawrence Oluyede
[eng] http://oluyede.org - http://twitter.com/lawrenceoluyede
[ita] http://www.neropercaso.it
[flickr] http://www.flickr.com/photos/rhymes

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