[Python] Calcolare la distanza km tra due indirizzi

Marco Beri marcoberi a gmail.com
Mar 15 Dic 2009 17:49:14 CET

2009/12/15 Lorenzo Macchiavelli <lmacchiavelli a gmail.com>

> Ciao
>  Siccome ho avuto la stessa problematica tempo fa
> c'è questo che troverai di sicura utilità!!!
> http://darcas.net/index.php/2008/10/12/calcolo-della-distanza-tra-due-punti-geografici/

Se poi vuoi sapere le coordinate partendo da un indirizzo usa lo script
python che allego in fondo.

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#   gmaps.py

import urllib
    from django.utils.http import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from textutils import unicode_urlencode as urlencode
from time import sleep

key = "<qui ci metti la tua chiave per le API di Google>"

def location2latlong( query, key=key ):
    """Get the ( latitute, longitude ) coordinates corresponding
    to the query. If something goes wrong return None."""

    output = 'csv'

    params = { }
    params[ 'key' ] = key
    params[ 'output' ] = output
    params[ 'q' ] = query

    params = urlencode( params )

        f = urllib.urlopen("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?%s" % params )
    except IOError:
        # maybe some local problem at google? let's try again
        sleep( 3 )
            f = urllib.urlopen("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?%s" % params
        except IOError:
            # okay we give up
            return None

    response = f.read( ).split(',')
    f.close( )

        status = response[0]
        accuracy = response[1]
        latitude = response[2]
        longitude = response[3]
        return None

    if status != '200':
        return None
        return latitude, longitude

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
        q = sys.argv[1]
        print 'Usage: python gmaps.py query'
        sys.exit( 1 )

    r = location2latlong( q )
    if r is not None:
        print r
        print 'Something went wrong.'
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