[Python] Re: Ip e Lan

Nicola Larosa nico a tekNico.net
Dom 8 Ott 2006 16:43:42 CEST

Carlo C8E Miron wrote:
> Btw, carina la scelta della porta 43278, fa molto zope su debian ;)

Ah sė? Zope su Debian usa quella?

Dietro la scelta di quella porta c'era un criterio, balordo ma c'era, solo
che non me lo ricordo pių. :-)

Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/

Business, left to itself, would rape the earth we live on, fill food
with poisons, theatres with stupidity, streets with gas-guzzlers,
and legislatures with puppets. All as an organic consequence of
the competitive marketplace. -- Tim Bray, January 2005

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