[Pycon] [new paper] "Fabio Falzoi" - Python and Elasticsearch: An introduction

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Dom 20 Gen 2019 12:12:52 CET

Title: Python and Elasticsearch: An introduction
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: it
Type: Talk

Abstract: The talk will briefly introduce Elasticsearch (what it is, when and how to use it), then it will explain how to use its Python clients: elasticsearch-py and elasticsearch-dsl. The differences between the two clients will be highlighted and, with some hands on examples, I will explain why a developer should prefer one over the other.
Through these examples, some specific capabilities of ES will be presented, starting from the basic ones like term queries, full text queries and joining queries to the more advanced ones like aggregations and faceted searches.
In order to fully understand the explained concepts, just a basic knowledge of Python is required: no prior knowledge of Elasticsearch or its client is needed.

Tags: [u'elasticsearch', u'web-development']

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