[Pycon] [new paper] "Marvin Bensch" - Analyzing geospatial data using geopandas

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Dom 6 Gen 2019 22:41:46 CET

Title:  Analyzing geospatial data using geopandas 
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: We are going to analyze geodata from whale watching operators in the Azorean Archipelago (Portugal). 
At the beginning, we use data wrangling as a method for exploring our data set. We continue with displaying our data in a map using GeoPandas. Finally, we improve our visualization leaving the GeoPandas initial settings.
Intended for everbody interested in data wrangling, GIS, GeoPandas or cetacean science. Basic knowledge in Python is helpful, but not required. 
Wrangling data using pandas and creating maps with GeoPandas are desired learning outcomes. 

Tags: [u'datawrangling', u'geopandas', u'cetaceans', u'pandas', u'Python']

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