[Pycon] [new paper] "Joaquim Borges" - GoalSurvival - using Python to scrape football scoring events and to perform survival analysis
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Dom 6 Gen 2019 15:58:23 CET
Title: GoalSurvival - using Python to scrape football scoring events and to perform survival analysis
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk
Abstract: **_Goals_**: demonstrate how use Python to retrieve football scores from different leagues, seasons, rounds and matches and to apply survival analysis to the retrieved data.
We first use a web scraping package (BeautifulSoup), we store the data to then apply survival analysis.
We use packages like “statsmodels”, “lifelines”, and “scikit-survival”.
We display the data and code in Jupyter notebooks where we do manipulations to obtain the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival functions, we calculate Schoenfeld residuals to check for proportionality of risks, we adjust Cox models and
proceed with selection of variables and finally we can plot the failure rate function and compare different scoring events.
_**Prerequisites**_: basic HTML, SQL, Statistics, and Python
Tags: [u'beautifulsoup', u'statsmodels', u'Scikit-survival', u'lifelines', u'Football', u'Survival-analysis']
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