[Pycon] [new paper] "Leonardo Giordani" - TDD in Python with pytest
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info a pycon.it
Sab 5 Gen 2019 22:59:35 CET
Title: TDD in Python with pytest
Duration: 240 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Training
Abstract: Test-Driven Development is a methodology that can greatly improve the quality of your software. I strongly believe that developing software without following as much as possible a test-driven approach leads to massive delays and greater issues when requirements change (always, that is).
In this workshop we will develop a very simple Python project following TDD with the help of the pytest framework. We will work together, and no previous knowledge of testing or the testing framework is required. A minimum knowledge of Python is required, but the project will be very simple, so that we can focus on learning the testing methodology.
I successfully run the workshop at London PyLadies Meetup, PyCon UK 2018, and PyCon IE 2018.
Attendees, please clone the repository at https://github.com/lgiordani/pytest_workshop and follow the instructions. Please do it before the workshop.
Tags: [u'development', u'pytest', u'python3', u'tdd', u'test-driven-development', u'testing']
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