[Pycon] [new paper] "Pietro Mascolo" - Developing a Data Strategy in a start-up environment

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Sab 5 Gen 2019 20:47:30 CET

Title: Developing a Data Strategy in a start-up environment
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: In this talk we will explore the journey that took our company on to develop an effective data strategy from scratch.

How can you develop a good strategy that stems from a business need and that allows the whole company to leverage the insights hidden in the data? How do you define the metric to collect and how do you effectively store them for use? How do you enable all data scientists, business people, software engineers, and executives to extract value from the features collected by the operations?

In this talk I will guide you through our successes and our mistakes in developing a great data strategy and data science team!

Tags: [u'development', u'start', u'strategies', u'data-science', u'teamwork', u'Big-Data']

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