[Pycon] Fwd: Keynote talk abstract and bio

Iacopo Spalletti i.spalletti a nephila.it
Dom 21 Gen 2018 19:39:30 CET

Ciao a tutti, questo è il keynote, bio e foto di Mikey



First choice: Can we make the light bulb want to change?
Alternative: Change is the only constant


In today's fast-paced world, change is becoming more of a necessity than
a luxury. And yet, many of us, understandably, still have a love-hate
relationship with change. How comfortable is your comfort zone? Should
you take that step onto new, unknown territory? Once you do, can you
convince others to do the same? Learning how to answer questions like
these is crucial, if we want to truly innovate in our jobs, communities,
and lives.

In this talk, I'd like to share some of the lessons that I learned about
inducing and managing change, both in myself and in groups I've worked
with as a documentation writer, Agile scrum master, community manager,
and diversity advocate. Magic solutions are not guaranteed, healthy
discussions are encouraged.

_Twitter-friendly bio_ (@ThatDocsLady)

Mikey is a technical writer at @RedHatNews, community lead at
@WriteTheDocs, @DjangoGirls alumni, documentation coach, and a big fan
of #Python and #Django.

_Website-length bio_

Mikey Ariel, also known as That Docs Lady, spent the better part of the
last 10 years documenting super-geeky enterprise software, most recently
for OpenStack Platform at Red Hat. She is also a global community lead
for Write the Docs, Django Girls alumni, and documentation coach for
open-source projects.

Since crash-landing on open-source planet in 2013, Mikey presented talks
and wrote articles about docs, DevOps, well-being, and community. She
also runs documentation workshops, hackfests, and sprints at developer
events, primarily for the Python and Django communities but also Fedora,
Plone, KDE, and NixOS.


Iacopo Spalletti

Nephila s.a.s. - Firenze
Telefono: +39 055 5357189
Assistenza Tecnica: +39 055 3985730
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