[Pycon] [new paper] "Gabriele Franch" - distributing binary stand alone applications

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Dom 14 Gen 2018 23:58:09 CET

Title: distributing binary stand alone applications 
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: One of the few difficult things in python is distributing binary stand alone applications developed in our beloved language.
In this talk I will show how you can package python applications by generating a single executable file for each desktop platform: windows, linux and mac.
We will start from a simple hello world, up to more and more complex applications. We will introduce all the tools available for python for the combination of multiple files in a single script (stickytape), obfuscation and minification (pyminifier), compilation in a single file (PyInstaller, cx_Freeze), and how combine all of them to package our apps.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of python and virtualenv

Tags: [u'macos']

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