[Pycon] [new paper] "Alex Casalboni" - Managed ML in the Cloud: Data Science The Right Way

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Dom 14 Gen 2018 18:08:48 CET

Title: Managed ML in the Cloud: Data Science The Right Way
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: How do you build a Machine Learning system in 2018? How do you free your data science team from the operational heavy lifting of managing a cluster of machines?
Most global Cloud Platforms finally offer a managed Machine Learning solution: this session will briefly explore the pros and cons of the two major Managed ML offerings in the Cloud and provide a hands-on understanding of both (Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine).

Tags: [u'google-cloud', u'machine-learning', u'aws', u'cloud', u'data-science']

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