[Pycon] [new paper] "Patrick Guido Arminio" - GraphQL in Python

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Ven 12 Gen 2018 11:32:23 CET

Title: GraphQL in Python
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: it
Type: Talk

Abstract: In this talk I'll talk about GraphQL, a data query language created by Facebook as an alternative to the widely used REST. I'll list the key differences between the twos and pros and cons of GraphQL over a "traditional" REST API.

I'll show how to create GraphQL APIs with Python with and additional follow up on how to use it with Django, one of the most popular web framework. If we have enough time I'll touch on advanced topics like authentication, caching, security and realtime.

Takeaway: the objective of the talk is to have an introduction on GraphQL, understand why and when to use it and, finally, how to use it Python.

Audience: the talk is for web developers with some experience building web APIs.

Tags: [u'django-rest-framework', u'flask', u'REST', u'django', u'web']

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