[Pycon] Fwd: [euroscipy-org] 2018

Valerio Maggio valerio.maggio a gmail.com
Gio 11 Gen 2018 17:42:21 CET

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pierre de Buyl <pierre.debuyl a kuleuven.be>
Date: Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 4:22 PM
Subject: [euroscipy-org] 2018
To: euroscipy-org a python.org

Alex, Valerio, everyone involved,

There has not been any further review or discussion.

So, according to my last proposal, we have now selected Trento according to
reviews at

Thanks to both teams the efforts involved and the solid plans.

The difference between Trento and Bilbao is very small and I believe that
had two high quality proposals is only a sign of good health for our small
community! I hope that the team in Bilbao keeps their enthusiasm high for a
future edition.

Valerio, if I understand well you are the spokesperson for Trento so feel
to be in charge from now on :-)

Best wishes to all for 2018,

(Mailing list default moderator since some time)

Pierre de Buyl
KU Leuven - Institute for Theoretical Physics
T +32 16 3 27355
W http://pdebuyl.be/
euroscipy-org mailing list
euroscipy-org a python.org

# valerio
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