[Pycon] [new paper] "Damiano Iannelli" - PyTest and Page Object: how to easily write maintainable UI tests

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Lun 8 Gen 2018 16:31:09 CET

Title: PyTest and Page Object: how to easily write maintainable UI tests
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: QA or Testing activities, especially in an agile context, deeply push to a wide usage of test automation techniques among all test levels. There are several frameworks that can be used for this purpose and among these Pytest is both a robust and easy-to-use Python tool.

In this talk we are going to see a package that combines the powerful Pytest features with the concept of 'Page Object' (PyPOM) and allows anyone, even those who work on testing  scope and do not have thorough knowledge in software development, to easily write 'reliable', 'scalable' but above all 'maintainable' UI tests. 

Tags: [u'QA', u'automation', u'ui', u'selenium', u'pytest', u'open source', u'testing']

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