[Pycon] [new paper] "David Anderson" - Choose Your Own Adventure for Client Web Services with Graphql

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Lun 8 Gen 2018 14:35:38 CET

Title: Choose Your Own Adventure for Client Web Services with Graphql
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: # Summary
In this talk, we discuss Facebook's graphql standard, an a la carte way for front end clients to consume data from the backend, the python implementation of that standard (graphine), basic queries and mutations, and some advanced techniques. We'll work up from shared principals with traditional REST web services to the new paradigm of data specific to each client request and how this makes backend and frontend developers happier and more productive.

# Audience Experience
Intermediate (requires some knowledge of Python, Django, REST web services, etc. But will try to build a shared understanding of the core concepts).

# Duration
45 minutes
- intro, who am I. 5 minutes
what is graphql, starting from traditional web services (5 minutes)
- ‎high level benefits of graphql (5 minutes - ex. data tailored per client request, static typing )
- ‎anatomy of a query and mutation (5 minutes)
- ‎front end clients and their benefits (5 minutes, including relay)
- ‎advanced graphql techniques (10 minutes, including static type contact testing and prepared queries)
- ‎Q&A (10 minutes)

Tags: [u'reactjs', u'Apollo', u'django', u'Relay', u'graphql', u'Graphine']

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