[Pycon] [new paper] "Peter Bittner" - How I teach Agile at school using Python

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Dom 7 Gen 2018 23:33:57 CET

Title: How I teach Agile at school using Python
Duration: 60 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Students aged 12 to 14 learn Agile software development, Continuous Delivery, Scrum and Kanban. Exaggerated? No, necessary. And not too difficult. - Sounds like an absurd idea? Why not teach them the fundamentals of programming first?

This is a real story from a school at Lake Constance, Switzerland, with a fundamental principle: Students are taught by subject matter experts, not teachers. We software developers know best how the whole software industry struggles with their failing development and project management processes. Why continue teaching new developers the most important things last? When it hurts most!

If you think this talk is stupid come watch the show! You'll learn how kids do Daily Stand-Ups, how they write User Stories, plan and estimate their work, how they do Pair-Programming and Code Review, and how they report their progress and achieved goals - or failure - in an Agile manner. Just like professionals do.

Tags: [u'agile', u'kanban', u'Python', u'arduino', u'pair-programming', u'lego', u'scrum', u'ev3dev', u'School', u'pygame', u'teaching']

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