[Pycon] [new paper] "Aditthya Ramakrishnan" - Resurrecting the dead with deep learning

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Dom 7 Gen 2018 20:05:02 CET

Title: Resurrecting the dead with deep learning
Duration: 60 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Recently, results of projects like twitter.com/deepdrumpf and twitter.com/deeplearnbern have shown how neural networks can generate remarkable text by being trained on corpora of literature, MIDI files, tweets etc.

In this talk, we will dive deep into character-level modelling based on recurrent neural networks using Keras with a TensorFlow backend. We will build multi-layer LSTMs and train it over a corpus of text to generate remarkable results. We will cover basic theory of neural networks, backpropagation, RNN/LSTMs, dataset preparation and training. I will explain how the network models a probability distribution to generate text character by character and also discuss hyper-parameter tuning (especially Softmax temperature) to control the output.

People have used these techniques to -

 - Generate literature in the style of dead writers and poets like Nietzsche, Shakespeare and Robert Frost.
 - Generate beautiful AI composed music inspired by the likes of Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.
 - Generate lyrics and rap by training on Lennon-McCartney & Hamilton songs respectively.

Sometimes when given a prompt, these networks can also effectively hallucinate text that the author of the input corpus might have said when given the same prompt. There will be live examples of the above and a few more interesting uses of this technique. Prior knowledge of linear algebra and a basic overview of machine learning is helpful but not necessary. I will also provide a Github repo with the code from the talk and provide links to trained models of the live examples for attendees to experiment with and build upon.

Tags: [u'neural network', u'Keras', u'tensorflow', u'Deep-Learning', u'generative-models', u'numpy', u'Artificial Intelligence']

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