[Pycon] [new paper] "Ferran Muiños" - Voting-based Ranking Combination using Python

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Dom 7 Gen 2018 19:05:42 CET

Title: Voting-based Ranking Combination using Python
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: How to best combine the outcome of several ranked data into a single, meaningful consensus ranking is a recurrent problem in scientific data analysis. Particularly, in genome data analysis we are often bound to merge ranked data arising from separate statistical analyses. Traditional blending strategies applied in the field rely on techniques to combine statistical significance, but this approach on its own has been associated with a number of caveats. We hereto present a voting-based heuristics implemented in Python which leverages both Schulze’s voting algorithm and optimization techniques to combine rankings upon credibility scores inferred from prior knowledge. This rationale can be used alongside state-of-the-art methods to systematically incorporate prior knowledge, thereby leading to more interpretable outcomes. The scope of the method is quite general and may be of use in other data analysis contexts.

Tags: [u'bio-informatics', u'statistics', u'data-analysis', u'genetics', u'Python']

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