[Pycon] [new paper] "Enrico Carbognani" - A software robotics platform for enhancing human-robot interaction

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Dom 7 Gen 2018 16:39:37 CET

Title: A software robotics platform for enhancing human-robot interaction
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Our robotics project aims to create a generic robotic platform which embodiments should be able to interact in natural and effective way with humans through speech, gestures, and visual feedback.
The system is fully implemented in Python and based on the Robotic Operating System (ROS).
The talk will focus on the latest developments related to our first embodiment based on the NAO humanoid robot, and the activities performed to overcome its hardware limitations.
The strategy has been to use available high level Python libraries for spoken language processing, sentiment analysis, vision, interfacing with Artificial Intelligence applications in order to provide current edge technologies performances. The overall system architecture is based on finite state machines nodes interacting via the ROS communication layer. 
The main fields of applications that the platform is targeting are: 
- Entertainment 
- Education 
- Field robotics 
- Home and companion robotics 
- Hospitality 
- Robot Assisted Therapy (RAT). 
The talk will conclude with a NAO based demo.

Tags: [u'ComputerVision', u'neural network', u'Machine Learning', u'GPUComputing', u'image-processing', u'embedded', u'ROS', u'raspberrypi', u'Robotframework']

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