[Pycon] [new paper] "Michael Penkov" - Don't reinvent the wheel: integrating command-line tools into your Python project

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Ven 5 Gen 2018 18:00:17 CET

Title: Don't reinvent the wheel: integrating command-line tools into your Python project
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Have you ever written Python code that decompresses a file, sorts its contents and compresses it again?
Did it feel like there should be a better way?
Well, there is, and this talk will tell you all about it: starting with the different ways to invoke processes from Python, connecting them in a Bash-like pipeline, and mixing native Python code and external processes in a pipeline.  

The goal is to show people the benefits and trade-offs of transparently reusing existing command-line tools like sort, gzip, parallel and others when processing data.
how to write shorter and clearer Python processing code by

This talk is targeted at junior and mid-level Python developers.
It does not require any existing knowledge.
Some knowledge of *NIX and bash would be helpful, but not required.

Tags: [u'best-practices', u'#lessonslearned', u'multiprocessing', u'Python']

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