[Pycon] [new paper] "Kushagra Bhargava" - Celery with Python: The way to distribute and schedule millions of processes
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Gio 4 Gen 2018 15:30:59 CET
Title: Celery with Python: The way to distribute and schedule millions of processes
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk
Abstract: **Have a large codebase and lots of processes to run?**
Celery is a very powerful distributed tasks queue which helps your system schedule and executes multiple processes asynchronously.
I plan to introduce the power and scope of Celery to novice/intermediate level Pythonistas. Since this will be an introduction to celery, I will go with the beginner-level discussion:
- What do large codebases require?
- The difference that Celery makes.
- Distributed message-passing architecture.
- Creating tasks and scheduling them.
- List of message transport that we can use with celery.
- Going through the transition between all the tasks happening in the celery.
Tags: [u'celery', u'Python']
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