[Pycon] [new paper] "Albertus Kelvin" - Automatic Multiple-Choice Question Generator by Using Machine Learning

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Mer 3 Gen 2018 18:43:47 CET

Title: Automatic Multiple-Choice Question Generator by Using Machine Learning
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: English reading comprehension is one of the most required skills for people whose  native language is not English. One example is when you study in an English spoken  country, you have to read many literatures supporting the course in English language. Therefore, your ability to get the concept behind the literatures effectively determines your level of understanding towards the literatures. To achieve this, many universities or companies require the TOEFL, IELTS, or TOEIC score in order to know your basic English  skill. Because of this, the applicants of university or company  decide to take one of those exams and do many preparations by studying from any resources providing the practice questions, such as the English exam books or resources from the internet. Unfortunately, those resources provide the limited number of sample  questions and the genre of article cannot be customized by the learners. This makes the  learning process become not fun and not effective at once since the learners cannot set their preference in the literature’s genre and this makes they cannot improve their understanding in the other genres.

Therefore, an automatic multiple-choice question generator system (for English document) would become a great idea. The system does several things to generate the best questions, such as sets the blank position for the answer to every word in the  document, determines the most reliable sentences (which has already had the blank  position for the answer) to become the question, and generates the four options as the possible answers. In this talk, I will share my experiences in developing such system. Any knowledges on machine learning would be useful.

Tags: [u'Data Mining', u'nlp', u'Machine Learning', u'computer-science', u'text-analysis', u'data-science', u'Text-Mining', u'Big-Data', u'DataAnalysis', u'computational-linguistics', u'Artificial Intelligence']

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