[Pycon] [new paper] "Leonardo Giordani" - Refactoring with tests in Python: a practical example

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Mar 2 Gen 2018 10:48:42 CET

Title: Refactoring with tests in Python: a practical example
Duration: 60 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Sooner or later every programmer has to face one of the most challenging tasks of our job, which is to deal with legacy code. Old, unsupported code, written by third party, often undocumented and untested. And often YOU are the one who wrote that code, some time ago.

One of the strategies to deal with such code and to merge it into a new project is to refactor it, and following a TDD (Test-Driven Development) approach is the only correct way to do it.

In this talk I will introduce the concepts of test-driven refactoring, using a practical example of legacy untested code. I will explain all the steps I followed from the initial code to the final result.

[If needed I can shorten the talk to 45 minutes inc Q&A]

Tags: [u'test-driven-development', u'refactoring', u'legacy', u'Python', u'tdd']

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