[Pycon] [new paper] "Lasse Schuirmann" - 7 Steps to a Clean Issue Tracker

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Lun 1 Gen 2018 19:20:33 CET

Title: 7 Steps to a Clean Issue Tracker
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: A lot of open source maintainers suffer from having to maintain the flood of incoming issues/tikets on their project. We've scraped more than 10000 GitHub projects and interviewed more than 100 software developers and project managers of companies like GitLab. As a result, we have identified a few simple steps that can help managing the load of issues. This talk sums up the steps and approaches needed to deal with this as well as automate it. For a full summary, check out our blog post with GitLab.

Tags: [u'project-management', u'Data-Scientist', u'scrum', u'github']

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