[Pycon] [new paper] "Cesar Cardenas Desales" - Writing and deploying serverless Python applications

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Lun 1 Gen 2018 12:44:29 CET

Title: Writing and deploying serverless Python applications
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Short summary: 

In this talk you’ll learn how to implement and deploy a basic serverless Python application.

Long summary: 

Serverless is a concept that has recently raised to popularity, boosted by the drive to financially optimize usage of computing power in cloud environments while reducing maintenance efforts.

The following topics will be covered in this talk:

 - What is a serverless application?
 - What are the benefits of the serverless execution model?
 - What is AWS Lambda
 - How to implement a basic Python serverless application with AWS Lambda?
 - How to implement a serverless Python based Webservice using Zappa

Tags: [u'serverless', u'faas', u'aws', u'cloud']

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