[Pycon] [new paper] "abhijeet mote" - Playing with Data by using of Python, Pandas

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Mer 26 Dic 2018 10:58:15 CET

Title: Playing with Data by using of Python, Pandas
Duration: 240 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 0
Language: en
Type: Training

Abstract: Elevator Pitch: 
This era is of Data technology instead of Information Technology, Data is new gold so to make sense of this raw data we need to perform ETL operations. This we can do with an easier way using python,pandas,numpy
Gather the raw data(Extraction),
data cleaning, Data manipulation(Transformation), 
Export dataset in the required format(Loading)

Installation of the Pandas,Ipython package using Pip
    - Quick guide for Anaconda, Spyder

Check the installed version of python and pandas
Reading csv/txt/excel/json file using Pandas
Understanding what is dataframe?
Understanding what is series
Using head, tail, describe
Making hands dirty with data manupulation 
    Create a Pandas DataFrame
    Create blank dataframes
    Data Filtering
    How To Select an Index or Column From a Pandas DataFrame
    using lambda expression,
    adding new columns to existing dataframe
    joins of dataframes
    Iterating the dataset
    Filter, Sort and Groupby
Removing the blank values from dataframe
Replace values in dataframe(data transformation)
Playing with Time series data
Writing the new dataframe into csv,excel,txt format
plot the dataframe using matplotlib(discuss other alternatives)

Audience Level:Intermediate (Python programming experience is required)

Installation of the Pandas,Ipython package using Pip(5 mins)
    - Quick guide for Anaconda, Spyder

Check the installed version of python and pandas (2 mins)
Reading csv/txt/excel/json file using Pandas (10 mins)
    Understanding what is dataframe?
    Understanding what is series
    Using head, tail, describe
Making hands dirty with data manupulation(20 mins)
    Create a Pandas DataFrame
    Create blank dataframes
    Data Filtering
    How To Select an Index or Column From a Pandas DataFrame
    using lambda expression,
    adding new columns to existing dataframe
    joins of dataframes
    Iterating the dataset
    Filter, Sort and Groupby
Removing the blank values from dataframe (5 mins)
Replace values in dataframe(data transformation)(5 mins)
Playing with Time series data(15 mins)
Writing the new dataframe into csv,excel,txt format(10 mins)
plot the dataframe using matplotlib(discuss other alternatives 15 mins)
Dask Increaase the performance using Parallel Computing(15 Mins)
QA Session (10 Mins)
Total Duration : around 2 hours 

Notes: I am working as python developer from last 4 years, have taken many workshops for students and teachers in Engineering Institutes. Given in-house training to 50+ employees and transformed them into intermediate Python programmers. Started python meetup group in Penang-Malaysia. Open source, AI, Data Science enthusiastic

Understanding how to use pandas library for Data Cleansing, Transformation. At the end of this workshop, you will be able to work with python pandas library.

Special requirements:
Anaconda 5.x(python3.x version) Download link https://www.anaconda.com/download/

#pandas #dataframe #datacleaning #etl #python3

Full Name Abhijeet Dada Mote


Organization or Affiliation: UST Global Aliso Viejo, California, United States
T-Shirt size:  Medium
Biography: I am working as python developer, interested to share the knowledge about any technology. Love to teach programming. open source, AI, Data Science enthusiastic 

First name?: Abhijeet

Last name?: Mote

Identification type (national ID, Passport)?: Indian

Identification number?: P9065041

Date of birth (YYY/MM/DD)?:17/09/1990

Link to a photo URL:

Origin and residence
What is your country of origin?: India

What is your country of residence?: Malaysia

Additional requirements
Do you require any specials meals?: Vegetarian 

Do you have any accessibility requirements?:

Who is your current employer (or institute if studying)?: UST Global

What is your current job title?: Sr.Python Developer 

Contact and Social networks
What is your email?: abhijeetmote a gmail.com

What is your github/gitlab/bitbucket/other profile url?: https://github.com/abhijeetmote

What is your linkedin profile url?: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhijeet-mote-5469241a

(Optional) What is your facebook profile url?:

(Optional) What is your twitter profile url?:

Workshop details
Spoken Language (is your workshop given in english or spanish):? English

Written Language (are your slides in english or spanish):? English

Tags: [u'concurrency', u'Python', u'etl', u'numpy', u'DataPipelines', u'pandas']

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