[Pycon] [new paper] "Fabrizio Ruffini" - It is Plot at first sight!

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Mer 19 Dic 2018 12:24:54 CET

Title: It is Plot at first sight! 
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Everybody knows that a **plot** can be worth of many words. So the question is: have you **super-plotting-powers**? 
This talk will deal with the several, and sometimes feeling as “opposed”, Data Science steps and how to create corresponding plots.
For each step, we’ll go through the **several tools** available in python to give some level of details on how to best use them (exploration and munging, modelling and validation, and reporting). For each step, we will extract together specific features and pick a package-**swiss-knife-short-list** of efficient python packages.

The package swiss-knife-list will cover, between others: **pandas** and geopandas, **Holoview**, datashader, Geoview, **Glueviz**, **Plotly**, Nteract + vdom, pandas_profiling, missingno, seaborn, matplotlib, bokeh; mixing tools such as showing JupyterLab (plotly) chart editor will be reviewed.

Real-life examples will help us understanding **if a tool can best match our specific goal**, and how to create a **systematic procedure** helping us in optimize time in the future.

Hope to see you there: **you are allowed to bring presents**!

Prerequisite: get-in-the-game-of-learning-approach

Tags: [u'exploration', u'explanatory', u'goal', u'plot', u'view', u'interactive', u'dissemination', u'visualization', u'maps', u'dataviz']

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