[Pycon] [new paper] "Frédéric Descamps" - Python and the MySQL 8.0 Document Store

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Ven 14 Dic 2018 10:08:25 CET

Title: Python and the MySQL 8.0 Document Store
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: The MySQL Document Store is MySQL’s implementation of a JSON document store. It enables you to store unstructured data while taking advantage of the transactional properties already available in MySQL. To be able to take advantage of the MySQL Document Store, the new X DevAPI has been developed and is available for several programming languages, including in Python through MySQL Connector/Python 8.0. This presentation guides you through the basics of the MySQL Document Store and how to use the X DevAPI in MySQL Connector/Python 8.0 to manage document collections and use CRUD methods to work with documents. Of course SQL is still possible and with the same data ! Attend this session if you are interested in the MySQL Document Store and MySQL Connector/Python.

The session can be in English and/or Italian

Tags: [u'database', u'DocumentStore', u'mysql', u'json']

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